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Daigo Umehara reaches number 1 rank in the world for Street Fighter 6 after just 3 weeks in the new Master Rate system

Oct 26, 2023

At the start of August, Capcom introduced the new Master Rate system to Street Fighter 6, which offers players a different way to try reaching the top ranks and see who's really doing the best.

Now, legendary Japanese competitor BST|Daigo Umehara has managed to reach the number one rank in the world for SF6 after just three weeks with the new system.

As of the time of reporting this, Daigo has managed to reach 2,066 MR points, which is only 3 points ahead of second place with BananaKen.

Since players start at 1,500 points when they reach Master rank now, that means Umehara has built up 566 MR points in 20 days.

It's hard to gauge just how many matches that required, considering the points earned is determined by how close in points each player is to each other, as well as the loss of points for losses, and not earning any points for fighting anyone below Master rank.

What we can see, however, is that Daigo played over 100 ranked matches just today in SF6, and since the game launched, he's apparently spent 143 hours in Ranked and over 208 hours in Training according to his CFN profile.

There's currently only 40 players in the world who have managed to reach 2,000 MR points, and many / most of the names are top players you'd probably expect to see.

The top 10 also includes RB|Bonchan at third, which is pretty impressive when raising two kids, DouyuTV|Xiaohai, Snake Eyez, BC|Kazunoko and CO|Fenrich.

HibikiTheBeast is even sitting at eighth overall with Lily.

Out of the top 10, six of them are Japanese players, followed by two from the United States, one from China, Juicyjoe from Sweden.

Interestingly, Daigo is far from the top of League Points earned in SF6, considering he's ranked 123rd in the world there currently with 121,333 LP.

With the amount of top names in the highest MR rankings compared to LP rankings, it does appear that the new Master Rate system is better for determining who is actually performing the best in SF6 and not just who is playing the most.

The harsher penalties for losing and slower climb up more heavily favors those players who win very consistently.

Nobody has yet to reach the Legend rank, however, so we'll have to wait and see more of what that's about.

The first season of Master Rate scores is scheduled to go on until October 31, 2023, at which point they (and not LP) will be reset for a new season to last another three months.